Monday, November 25, 2019

Evidence Based Practice Matrix Essays

Evidence Based Practice Matrix Essays Evidence Based Practice Matrix Essay Evidence Based Practice Matrix Essay Mindsets of nurses regarding competency will take a part in shaping how competent they will be research planned to create greater research 507 Perception of how nurses see manager/lea deer/ vs.. How managers perceive themselves Discrepancies were recognized in how managers/leaders saw themselves in addition to how the staff see them Managers/Leaders ought to partake in evaluations of themselves as seen from their staff perspective. Important info is obtained by observation of how impotency research criteria has been utilized Comments Recriminating, M. , Laboratory, Enormousness, Madrigal Tortes, Stern, D. Frown, Grouper, Autobiographer an, R. , Krieger, A. Parakeets, Floral, A ANA CANAL 2013 2009 325 153 57 Evaluated responses to competency testing in Evidence based practice in based on different levels of nursing experience Comparison of students behaviors related to professional ism during and after a program nurses experiences and its relationship to increa sing competence as they advance in their profession Examined how leaders focused on the proficiency of students Instrument utilized was a success in examining fluctuating degrees of knowledge concerning evidence based practice EBPP is a needed skill to nursing and competence in applying it need to be evaluated on a regular basis Pertinent to topic because instrument existing in undergrad nursing to evaluate competencies Greatest predictor to for-see professional conduct such as complying with competencies was with the program itself Professionalism of nurse can be predicted by how well nurse conformed to nursing Little connection to the topic but show regards when crafting a framework Professional progresses gradually Results implied the nurse was the leader in the process of attaining competencies, even though 5 major phases did appear to be essential to the competence process of development Pertinent to topic as additional method to appraising competencies and crafting instruments to test competencies Nursing leaderships association with technology could be efficient, but leaders need to create Results recommended structural model to utilize for competency testing by the way of Little connection to topic. Very little among assessing competency of individual nursing dents taking online assessments and abiding y by nursing principles Wilson, Carriers. Mosaics subhead, Carols, 15 Assessment of nursing staff in creating proper s for managing client and family relations 108 sees of in productive and efficient communicate ion with patients and families accurate components to the programs

Friday, November 22, 2019

Corporate Governance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Corporate Governance - Assignment Example The framework also contains the procedures for proper control, supervision, and information flows which are ought to serve as checks and balances system. Corporate governance provides a framework for attaining the objectives of the company. It makes it encompass practically every sphere of management, from internal controls and action plans to corporate disclosure and performance measurement. Most firms nowadays strive to have a high degree of corporate governance (Solomon, 2004). Most companies no longer desire to be only profitable but also demonstrate perfect corporate citizenship through ethical behavior, environmental awareness, and sound corporate governance practices. Corporate governance helps in streamlining processes and guides in giving people accountability. Corporate governance helps in the process of decision making. One of the primary goals of corporate governance is to explain clearly to the stakeholders, the board, and the shareholders what their responsibilities and duties are within the company. It becomes easier for the people within the firm to understand whatever they are accountable for, after understanding their duties and responsibilities. If the board has the responsibility for proper evaluation of the management of the company, then they are held accountable for it. If the companys management is poor, then the board is held accountable because it is its role to evaluate the management of the company (Sheikh, 1995). The blame will thus not be transferred to other members of the corporation and in this case the blame will be with the board. It thus helps in preventing situations in which there are no ways to know the accountable people for whatever actions. Accountability helps in decision making within the company setup. Accountability helps in finding out about who should get an acknowledgment for the good work done in their respective fields and who should get punished

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International law and organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International law and organisation - Essay Example Since there is no common governing power that supervises all countries, despite the existence of international organizations such as United Nations, states find themselves unable to trust each other. Thus, they usually treat each other as possible opponent that could grab them anytime. On the other hand, the modified structural realists believe that since there is anarchy in international relations, the weaker states have to look for means in order to protect its security and interest, as opposed to the powerful states, which tend to resist regulation or control of their movements. Similar to the modified structural realists, neo-liberal institutionalists believe that adherence to international legal principles would help promote transparency in international dealings, reduce transaction costs in international trade, intensify strict monitoring and enforcement of contractual obligations, and eases imposition of penalties for violation thereof. Voluntary observance of the international legal principles would encourage more cooperation in the international arena that would somehow grant long-term benefits, especially in the financial aspects. The hegemonic stability theor... e theories point to only one thing: the creation and observance of international legal principles are supported by the quest for protection of self-interest by the international stakeholders. Clearly, an independent state would not want to impose upon itself a rule that would ultimately restrict its freedom, if it will not reap any benefit from it. It cannot be denied that this voluntary adhesion to certain legal principles is no longer governed or motivated by the spirit of altruism. States need to protect themselves. Nobody can do it better than themselves. In the humanitarian aspect for example, every state must choose to create a standard that would protect its people against unwarranted human rights violations. This is especially true in terms of physical violence where no specific ideology or religion could divert or amend the standards for all human beings because of the basic knowledge that all humans are equal in feelings. If a state for example would think of exempting itself from the international standards of human rights, common sense dictates that it should prepare itself for possible retaliation in the most inhumane way since the state itself does not observe any standards for physical violation of its citizens. A classic example on this one is the law on war. The killing of a war prisoner is generally prohibited. If the United States for example would kill an Iraqi soldier who was left by his troops during a fight and who was captivated by the American soldiers would be killed, Iraq would then have every reason to kill an American war prisoner because the United States in this case was the first one to violate the rights of such war prisoner. To create and obey this particular international legal principle is then more of a reciprocal benefit

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critical Analysis Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Analysis - Research Paper Example The first casualty accident that killed the hugest number of people since the invention of the first aircraft occurred in December 1910. A historic twenty-seven people perished in this accident. Since then, several other upsets, mostly connected to the military aircrafts have occurred. This triggered the world community to rethink and evaluate their airline safety rules and regulations. In the United States, for instance the first law regulating the industry was passed in the 1920s. A definite case was the Air Commerce Act 1926 (Diab 79). This law required the examination and licensing of all aircrafts and pilots. It also provided for the proper investigation of all accidents that occur in the aviation industry. Besides, this Act set out rules and aids of navigation under the â€Å"Aeronautics Branch of the Commerce Department† (Diab 79). Since then, many countries in the world have developed their own rules on safety as well as being parties to the international aviation rule s (Diab 79). Personal perspective Statistics show that the stages of a flight that are more to accidents include during landing, take off, descent and climbing. This is a cause for alarm on the basic areas neglected within aircrafts. Therefore, the aircrafts that land and take off frequently have a higher probability of being involved in accidents as compared to those that have few stopovers. Based on these statistics, it will be important to choose the aircrafts that operate on nonstop flights. The laws and regulations across the land are always keen on aircrafts whose seats exceed thirty. Smaller aircrafts do not have regulations as stringent as their larger counterparts do. This makes the larger aircrafts safer to use for travel. In as much as the enforcers and implementers of policy decisions are the aircraft staff, it is equally important for passengers to take care of their own safety. Passengers should neglect a definite airline that is notorious for safety neglects, financia l constraints and persistent complains from customers. Additionally, passengers must be keen on instructions and take stringent precautionary measures to help avert emergencies. Regional perspective The issue of airline safety must be addresses by people who use airlines and state governments. The US is a victim of airline terrorism and must practice extreme vigilance on all the passengers including those who appear innocent. It is necessary to vet before boarding airplanes. This is in cognizance to the fact that most terrorism activities are conducted by people who pose as passengers. In the year 1996, a Boeing Jumbo 747 jet crashed while en route to Paris from New York, killing all the two hundred and thirty people (Been-Yosef 182). Amidst this confusion, the rescue team could not fix the electrical wires to prevent short-circuiting the fuel tanks and minimize sparks. This incident brought to the fore, not only the preparedness of security and rescue team but also the actual mater ial to be used while making some parts of the plane. Consequently, rules were made that established provisions for the installation of nitrogen generating equipment to safeguard the protection of the fuel tank (Been-Yosef 182). National perspective The US is a target for terrorism activities. This means that it needs stringent rules and regulations to address this phenomenon. The general rules of flight and operations are executable within Part 91 of the Federal

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Practice In Uk Mental Health Area Social Work Essay

Practice In Uk Mental Health Area Social Work Essay This study takes up the examination of social work practice in the area of mental health in the UK. It is based upon the experiences of the author in the course of her work as a Mental Health Professional in a multidisciplinary team in a community care setting. Mental health issues, more specifically mental illnesses, have troubled humans from the dawn of human civilisation. The history and literature of all historical societies reveal numerous instances of mental disorders among people and the inevitably associated ostracism and discrimination faced by such people. Mental illnesses in the UK, till even some decades back were associated with abnormal, deviant and dangerous behaviour and thousands of people with different types of mental issues were housed in high security asylums against their will for years on end. Such blatant violations of fundamental human rights were carried out at the behest of the medical fraternity with the active support of the government, the judiciary, the legal system, enforcement agencies and society. Social workers entered the area of mental health in the UK in the early decades of the 20th century and progressively increased their interaction and work with mentally ailing people. The involvement of social work practice in the area grew slowly until the 1960s but increased rapidly thereafter. Greater involvement of social work practice led to the development of psycho-social models for providing assistance to people with mental ailments and helped in changing societal perceptions towards such persons. The post Second World War period also witnessed a very substantial shift in governmental and medical approaches towards people with mental health disorders. The last full fledged asylum for housing the mentally ailing was closed down in . Medical disorders are now viewed to be strongly related to various social and economic conditions as also to phenomena like racism, oppression and discrimination. The overwhelming majority of people with mental health ailments are now treated in the community, in the midst of family and friends, and institutionalisation is resorted to only in extreme cases and that too for limited periods of time. Social work practice has become very relevant to the area of mental health. Qualified social workers like the author of the study, known as mental health professionals, work with medical professionals like doctors and psychiatrists and play active, even leading, roles in the assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation of people with mental health disorders. This study takes up the case of Maya, a 68 year old Asian woman, who lives in East London. Maya is a first generation immigrant and has spent much of her life in an alien society. She suffers from depression and has been referred to the local social work authorities. Mayas case is fully described in the appendix to this study and is thus not elaborated here. The essay examines various aspects of Mayas life and experiences in order to crystallise the various factors are contributing to her current mental difficulties. Special emphasis is given to the challenges faced by people suffering from depression and to the high incidence of depression among South Asian women. The study takes up the application of social work theory to practice, the role of oppression and discrimination in the development of mental ailments, the role of social workers in helping mentally ailing persons and the importance of adoption of anti-oppressive approaches in dealing with them. It also details the social services that are available to such service users and how such services can help Jaya. Causes and Consequences of Depression Maya has been intermittently suffering from depression for the last 27 years and has undergone medication and counselling on five occasions. She was specifically referred by her GP to the local social services department following an episode of some severity. Crippling depression is one of the biggest reasons for misery in modern day Britain. It is a submerged problem of immense dimensions that is kept out of sight by family shame. The Psychiatric Morbidity Survey reveals that one in six of UK residents are liable to be diagnosed with depression. It would surprise many people to know that 40% of all physical and mental disabilities are caused by mental illness, even as 17% of such ailments are caused by depression alone. The incidence of depression among people is more than 3 times that of cardiac disease. Psychologists agree that mental illness constitutes the most important predictor of human distress in the UK and is far more powerful than poverty or various other types of disability. With few forms of deprivation being worse than chronic depression, it is evident that social workers should give the highest priority to care for persons with depression and other mental health ailments. Much of research on the causes of depression has necessarily being medical in nature. A number of medical studies reveal that depression can arise out of a range of factors like medical and physical disabilities, the death of loved people, social isolation, exclusion and loneliness, and abusive relationships, separation and divorce. Depression can also be initiated by economic and other types of stress, estrangement from family members, the compulsion to care for ailing family members and relocation. Social work research on the other hand reveals that social phenomena like racism, discrimination and oppression can play significantly causal roles in the emergence of depression. Individuals from different religious, ethnic and cultural backgrounds have often been subjected to discrimination in the UK. The decades after the closure of the Second World War witnessed a large influx of people from erstwhile British colonies in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean into the UK. Such immigrants, many of whom came to the UK to escape from lives of poverty, hardship and violence in their home countries, were often subjected to various degrees of oppressive and discriminatory treatment, both in the workplace and in the community. Such discriminatory treatment manifested itself in areas of employment, education and access to public facilities. Immigrants were treated differently and subjected to discrimination because of their lack of familiarity with the English language, their different physical appearances, religious traditions, cultural and social habits and their clothes. Such discrimination sometimes assumed distinctly undesirable dimensions like in the case of Christopher Clunis. A mentally disturbed person of African origin, Clunis murdered Jonathan Zito, a young white man, at a tube station in 1992.Whilst subsequent enquiries revealed that Clunis was mentally disturbed and he was subsequently institutionalised, the British media built up a picture of Clunis, (as a large, clumsy, unkempt and violent man), with strong overtones of racism. The numerous incidents of discrimination and ill treatment of persons of Asian origin in the USA after the September 11 attacks reveal racism and social discrimination to be a latent phenomenon that continues to work under the surface in societies and surfaces in response to different types of provocation and perceptions. Immigrants and their families even today have much poorer levels of education, income, health and public participation than members of the mainstream white majority in the UK. Maya is a first generation immigrant who was uprooted from her familiar North Indian environment when she was still in her teens and thrust into alien surroundings; she was unfamiliar with the local language and found it extremely difficult to communicate with others. Her social life was perforce restricted to the local Indian community in east London, which itself was very small when she came to England. Her husband and children, who had to adjust to the local community and its demands and expectations in order to survive and enhance their life chances, would have in all likelihood faced numerous incidences of discrimination and oppression over the course of their lives. Mayas domestic problems were also intensified because of her compulsion to stay with her husbands parents, a tradition that is still widely followed by the Asian community in the UK. Depression among Women from South Asian Communities in the UK A number of social work surveys and studies indicate that the incidence of depression is significantly high in South Asian women. Whilst such women originate from a large and ethnically diverse area that comprises of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Ceylon, many South Asian women suffer from similar causes for mental depression. Fenton and Carlsen, (2002) state that the main causes for depression amongst such populations are experiences of racism, family difficulties, financial problems, poor physical health and lack of employment. Women from these communities experience excessive mental pressure on account of community influence and reputation. Some of them have to cope with unsuitable marriages and unhappy relationships with their in-laws. Such circumstances create enormous difficulties and life challenges and moreover do not provide any avenues for escape. Some women have described how their families and the larger Indian community made them feel inadequate and repeatedly impressed upon them that they were failing in meeting their familial obligations. Such women also feel pressurised because of social isolation, lack of friends and acquaintances, inadequate education and stressful living conditions. The case study reveals that Maya has often been subjected to stress because of her difficult and strained relationship with her mother in law. It is also evident that the option of setting up home independently was never explored by her husband. It needs to be noted that whilst joint family living is common in South Asian communities, it is also often economically necessary because of straitened financial conditions and the additional costs that are likely to be incurred if children opt to live separately from their parents. Depression evidences itself in symptoms like change in eating and sleeping habits, lack of interest in normal daily activity, withdrawal from children, family and friends, overlooking of necessary activities at the home and outside and finally self destructive tendencies. Depressed people are prone to self harm and develop suicidal tendencies. Maya suffers from irregular sleeping habits, often sleeps late at night, gets up late in the mornings and is sometimes unable to cook for her family. She has reduced her interaction with outsiders and is becoming distant from her immediate family. She often suffers from headaches and cries for no reason. Such manifestations and symptoms constitute strong reasons for addressing depression in an elderly person like Maya. Not treating depression can place her and other older people at increased risk for additional physical and mental health problems. The disinclination to get out of the house and exercise can increase her hypertension, lead to diabetes and faster deterioration of the heart, lungs, bones and muscles. It can also lead to deeper, debilitating depression. Implications for Social Work Theory and Practice Social work theory and practice is fundamentally concerned with the improvement of the social and economic circumstances of disadvantaged individuals and groups and the challenging of oppression and discrimination in all its forms. Systems theory in particular, whilst abstract in nature and not applied systematically, has helped social workers to move from linear and causative medical models to significantly greater multi-causal contexts for the understanding of human behaviour. General systems theory provides a conceptual scheme for realising the interactions among different variables, rather than by reducing behavioural explanations to one reason. This is clearly evident in the area of mental health, where depression in people and their resultant behaviour is associated with a number of interacting social, biological and psychological factors. Systems theory requires social workers to examine the multiple systems in which people interact. Assessment of mentally ailing persons will for example require social workers to obtain information from different sources and place them in appropriate family and community contexts. Knowledge of social constructionism theory on the other hand enables social workers to realise how language has been used by medical experts and other dominant groups to build up images of the mentally disturbed as people who cannot look after themselves and their families and who need to be treated by medical experts. Modern societys perceptions about mental illnesses are significantly shaped by medical models, which state that medical ailments represent serious conditions that can make it hard for persons to sustain relationships and engage in employment. They can lead to self-destructive and even suicidal action (Walker, 2006, p 71-87). Social constructionism theory states that such perceptions are built by purposely developed vocabularies of medical models, which are bursting with complex nomenclatures for mental ailments and fixed on deficits. Walker, (2006, P 72), argues that vocabularies of medical models, including that of mental illness, are social constructs, comprising of terms that detail deficits and view humans as objects for examination, diagnosis and treatment, much like machines. Such perceptions result in treatments that is focused on removal of symptoms and do not take account of actual client needs (Walker, 2006, p 71-87). Social constructionism can assist social workers in realising the disparaging chimeras that have been built by existing medical models about the mentally ill. Social workers must also be informed by the theories of oppression and discrimination that condition and shape the behaviours of people, both the oppressors and the oppressed, towards poor, isolated and disadvantaged segments of society. Neil Thompsons PCS theory of oppression (2001), states that oppressive and discriminatory attitudes in people are socialised over the course of their life by three strong influences, namely personal perceptions and cultural and structural influences. Personal perceptions about the mentally ill can arise through reading about such people, viewing them on cinema, thinking about them and other such associated activities. Cultural influences comprise of numerous cognitive inputs from school, friends, family and the larger community about the mentally ill and unstable. Structural influences arise from the various embedded factors in the larger environment like their lack of fitness for employment and their need to be bodily restricted. These PCS factors s hape the minds of individuals and build up strong discriminatory attitudes that rest below the surface and are manifested in various ways. The media outrage over the Clunis incident and the construction of the person into a larger than life image of a socially dangerous person represents the way in which such discriminatory attitudes can often shape the behaviours and actions of people. Chew-Graham et al (2002), state that whilst the incidence of depression among South Asian women is significantly higher than the national average, such women faced numerous barriers in accessing social services because of internal and external barriers. Whilst internal barriers occurred because of family structures and community pressures, external barriers happen because of their unfamiliarity with English, difficulty in communicating with local social services departments and the disinclination of social workers to come to their aid. Services thus tended to be accessed only at points of desperation if at all and increase the tendency of such women to engage in self destructive activities. Dominelli (2002), states that discriminatory attitudes are deeply embedded in the existing social work infrastructure and can be eliminated only if there is a genuine and widespread feeling among social workers to do so. The labelling theory states that the self identity of individuals is often de termined by the terms that are used to describe them.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Cycle of Slavery in The Tempest Essays -- Tempest essays

The Cycle of Slavery in The Tempest  Ã‚   William Shakespeare’s The Tempest blends elements of adventure and intellectual inquiry. The plot of Shakespeare’s last work contains comedy, romance, and action enough to sustain the interest of his common audience. However, there lies beneath the eloquent language and exciting plot an intelligent political commentary. Shakespeare uses the setting of a virtually uninhabited island as an experimental testing ground for the institution of slavery. Shakespeare shows through his island experiment that subjugation, once instituted, seems to perpetuate itself. While the most automatic explanation of this cyclical nature of slavery would be to say that this political rule is continued by the subjugators, the surprising reality is that it is the victim of colonialism who continues the cycle of slavery. Caliban, the native "islander"(2.2.36), despises his condition as a slave. However, in his attempt to disrupt and overthrow the political order instituted on the island by Prosp ero, Caliban actually provides evidence of the power of slavery over both man and mind. Caliban’s initial attempt to defy Prospero’s power via a verbal curse actually gives Prospero more authority as master in that the curse acknowledges the duke’s ultimate power. Caliban begins his speech with the vengeful request that all the evil "infections"(2.2.1) under the sun "fall"(2.2.2) upon the "tyrant"(2.2.160) Prospero. While Caliban wishes for Prospero to be so harmed by sickness, the slave does not have the power to make this happen. Instead, he must request that these evils "fall"(2.2.2) of their own accord upon Prospero. Caliban’s lack of authority because of his condition as a slave is immediately contrasted to that... ...tly subjugate Trinculo. This brilliant strategic move on Caliban’s part further perpetuates the cycle of subjugation. Once again it is the victim of slavery who acts as the agent in establishing and perpetuating slavery. In trying to benefit himself by breaking free of slavery, Caliban instead benefits the very practice he so despises. Slavery exerts its power in every aspect of Caliban’s life. In his speech, in his actions, in his thoughts, and even in his attempts to break free of slavery, Caliban cannot escape the powerful effects of subjugation. Caliban does not succeed in breaking the cycle of slavery. Its power and tendency to perpetuate itself are too great. Instead, the slave’s attempt to end his servitude actually propagates rather than abolishes the practice of slavery. Works Cited: Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. Mineloa, NY: Drover, 1999.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How to Break Bad Habits and Create Positive Ones Essay

Everyone has one: a bad habit (or habits†¦) we wish we could break. Unfortunately, breaking a bad habit — as anyone who has ever bitten their nails, smoked, or mindlessly snacked in front of the TV knows — is not that simple. Breaking habits is hard, but with a little determination, it is achievable. There is a reason habits are hard to break. The majority of our habits are good for us, allowing our brain to complete certain tasks on autopilot which frees space for decision making, creativity, and quick action. But the brain does not discriminate between good and bad habits; once something becomes a routine, whether it’s helpful or harmful, your brain will perform it automatically, which can make it hard to stop. Step 1: Identify the habit All habits serve a purpose. Brushing your teeth first thing in the morning prevents cavities, stopping at a red light prevents car accidents, and eating cupcakes when you’re feeling low can deliver comfort. To make positive improvements, start by identifying your problem habit and its underlying cause. Step 2: Replace it Once you’ve identified your habit and its trigger, find something positive to take its place. If you eat to wind down after a long day of work, replace food with a walk or yoga. If you bite your nails, try chewing gum. If you smoke to relieve stress, try meditation. Step 3: Keep the commitment Once you’ve decided to break your habit and replace it with something positive, write it down. Keeping a journal of your progress can hold you accountable while serving as a great progress marker. If you’re truly  committed to making your new positive habits stick, complete your new habit daily for 30 days. The more consistent you are, the easier it will be to continue. Step 4: Be prepared for hiccups Through this process, it’s important to remember that habits are habits for a reason — they serve a purpose and our mind is trained to complete them with little to no effort. Be kind to yourself and be patient; all of your attempts to change habits will not be successful immediately. Expect bumps along the way but continue to push through. When in doubt, think positively. If you are at wit’s end and the only thought in your head is â€Å"I can’t do this†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , make it a positive. â€Å"I can’t do this, but it will get easier.†

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Do Prisons Work essays

Do Prisons Work essays Prison life is mostly a continuous repetition of the same day, over and over again. Finding a purpose and a meaning beyond "punishment" can be a struggle. Often people are not in prison long enough to discover anything worthwhile beyond a new set of criminal alliances. Or people end up inside for so long that any good that might have been achieved along the way is undermined by bitterness and resentment. Prisons are the most shaming of all our public institutions. The United Kingdom imprisons more of its people than virtually any other country in Western Europe - in conditions, which are frequently an affront to civilized values, and at great cost to the taxpayers. Yet the vast majority of our prisoners do not present a serious threat to life or limb. Their crimes are such that they can be more humanely, economically and effectively dealt with in the community. Nevertheless, many consider imprisonment to be the punishment of choice. They feel that when the offender is jailed, justi ce is served. The paradox of imprisonment lies in society's expectations: the community wants retribution, as well as rehabilitation. Interestingly, for many, sending people to prison is not enough; they insist that offenders must suffer while they are in prison. But only somebody who has never been to prison would believe that jails are "soft" places. But the truth is that the harsher a prisoner feels himself to have been treated, the less of an obligation he will feel to abide by society's rules, and the more likely new victims will be created after his release. Official figures speak for themselves - more than half of prisoners re-offend within two years of release (Mathiesen 1990). Prison is designed for disempowerment. Everyone in jail is vulnerable to a greater or lesser extent. Prisoners live at the mercy of those who are in charge, and of each other, and dignity is a scarce commodity. There are various problems in prisons: sexual assault of...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hiral Patel Essays (291 words) - Crisis Communication, Free Essays

Hiral Patel Essays (291 words) - Crisis Communication, Free Essays Hiral Patel BA 2196 Section 703/Paul A. Evangelista Writing Assignment: Crisis Communication Part III Carnival managed its crisis inappropriately when it did not offer proper feedback to passengers' worried family and friends. In a press conference on February 12, 2013, CEO Gerry Cahill provided a confused response to the questionable conditions on the ship. In this communication, Cahill was speaking of the conditions on the ship, saying, "Most of the public bathrooms are working. I think there are23?" (Cahill, 2013). This perplexing statement and its casual delivery showed a disregard for the passengers on the ship as well as the crisis. Many people worried about their friends and families on the ship and if their loved ones will come back safe. Cahill provided perplexed responses in press conferences as if numbers and conditions did not matter to him or the company. Timothy Coombs (2007) would advise against this reaction, as he states that the response "must provide any information needed to aid public safety, provide basic information about what has happened, and offer concern if there are victims" (Coombs, 2007). The lack of assurance from Cahill thus served to intensify the carelessness of the CEO and the company. Cahill did not provide definite information on the conditions on the ship. He responded in a confounded manner that left the press and the public in a state of confusion. In this way, Cahill's perplexed response in the press conference flagged him as a careless CEO of passengers trapped in the crisis. References Associated Press. (2013, February 12). Carnival Apologizes for Ship Fire [Press release]. Retrieved April 03, 2017, from Coombs, W. T. (2007, October 30). Crisis Management and Communications. Retrieved from

Monday, November 4, 2019

Introduction to Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction to Business Law - Essay Example The report states that the contract included a clause specifically stating that the seller would provide up to $500.00 for any necessary repairs, after inspection, at the closing of the deal. Now the buyers have had the house inspected and the inspector has informed them of two needed repairs. Due to the clause in the contract, the seller is obligated to pay up to $500.00 in these repairs but no more than that. So in regards to the buyers possibly expecting more, legally that would be a breach of contract so they can only expect to receive the amount the clause states for the repairs. Any expenses above that and they are required to pay the additional fees. (Larson, 2003-2005). Since there does not seem to be any specific clause such as: "Waiver clause, Liquidation Clause, Non-Waiver clause, etc then the only other logical means to go about settling the dispute would be to use an arbitration system. If this case were to go to a court of law then the seller would be forced to uphold the terms of the agreement in the time that was specified.  

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Face off in Court Article - 1

Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Face off in Court - Article Example Apple asserted that Samsung made their devices so identical that customers could perceive those products, produced by Samsung, as made by Apple. A Research carried to this effect, based on witnesses’ testimonies indicated to the court that a substantial number of consumers has confused Samsung tablet computers and smartphones as Apple products. In response to the accusations, Samsung Electronics Co. Countered the claims, arguing that the technology applied on their Galaxy phones and Tablet computers require two fingers in scrolling as opposed to one finger technology applied by Apple Inc. In addition, Samsung claimed that their products do not bounce at the end, to signal users that it has reached the edged. This case presents allegations of a higher gravity, owing to the nature of the products involved, the investments and technologies applied and the large firms. It is a case that could impact greatly on either company once a determination is given. However, the case is still being pursued and Samsung is yet to present its witnesses and testimonies to refute the allegations made by Apple Inc. It is understood that registering products for patent or for intellectual property rights, is a part of the many strategies in business leveraging and in ensuring that their innovations and privacy will not be breached by other companies engaged in similar businesses. In the light of this, Apple its products with an aim of presenting distinction and excellence, and to realize what it is known for, dictating what the customer needs. If details of the invention and innovation are permitted to be copied, the company which originally made the product will lose their profit margin. This could adversely impact on its internal financial management, marketing strategies and operational budgets. This illustrates how the breach of patents could impact the marketing and production of their products. Business is competitive leveraging to satisfy consumer’s wants and achieve company’s target. It is about earning the return on investment. It is an intellectual right. It is justified therefore to bring to court those who pirate products.